KCPE 2012 Revision Papers.



The following is a list of  KCPE Revision Papers for the year 2012.The papers include Mathematics English Kiswahili Science Social Studies and Religious education. Click to download the papers for FREE of charge. We charge only 100/ for the ANSWER SHEET.

composition-paper-kcpe-2012.pdf 131K
english-questions-paper-kcpe-2012.pdf 1.0M
insha-paper-kcpe-2012.pdf 128K
kiswahili-questions-paper-kcpe-2012.pdf 1.0M
mathematics-questions-paper-kcse-2012.pdf 1.0M
science-questions-paper-kcpe-2012.pdf 874K
social-and-religious-studies-questions-paper-kcpe-2012.pdf 1.8M
